Remix Manifesto
I started working with a draft sketch then developed in pastels.

I drew the backdrop thinking it could be useful.

The idea was to draw the themes separately which then could be manipulated in Photoshop.
I chose steam train for the industrial theme. Although all themes were done colour the final composite couldn't complement each other. So using Gaussian blur & sharpen filter the final outcome is in monochrome.
In a Brief "Remix Manifesto" is a documentary about remixing existing works.
It argues whether it is illegal or legal to remix other creators work and making/naming it your own work.

The film states it should be legal to remix/reorganize and should be able to sell work.

The film quotes from history that there should be a balance between author/creator and the public/consumer.

Copyright created to encourage people to be creative. (More inof on the RIP link)

I personally think it is illegal to copy something, manipulate and resell it

For my remix I wanted to create a surreal artwork.
My theme was Industrial, civilization & stone age.


Brett Gaylor

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